I Absolute World Cup in hand-to-hand fight of 2015. Announcement

24.11.2015 1674 129 No Comments


On December 4, 2015 at 19:00, in Moscow, Sport center of “Dynamo” in Krylatskoye” (Ostrovnaya St. of 7) the I will take place Absolute the hand-to-hand fight World Cup.

The strongest heavyweights (champions and prize-winners of the Championships and World Cups, Europe and Asia) from 8 countries of the world who during the evening will play a title of the All-around Champion will participate in an action.

1) Russia – Azamat Murzakanov – a sort. 4/12/1989, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, weight is 95 kg
Honoured Master of Sports, World class master of sports
World champion 2013,
Champion of Europe 2014,
Champion of Asia 2013,
winner of the World Cup 2014,
five-time champion of Russia.

2) USA: Rikko Rodriguez, (Ricco “suave” Rodriguez)
The champion of the USA in hand-to-hand fight in absolute weight category
Prize-fighting 2-1
Mixed martial arts 53 victories 23 losses
Abu Dhabi Grappling Championship: 1998 Gold, 1999 Bronze, 2000 Silver
UFC Champion: September, 2002, February, 2003

3) Mager Denis Valeryevich (Republic of Belarus, Minsk) Year of birth – 1994 (21 years)
Student of the Belarusian state university of physical culture
The personal trainer – Korolkov Maxim Anatolyevich
MSMK on hand-to-hand fight, MS on mixed martial arts
bronze prize-winner of the World Cup in hand-to-hand fight of 2015
bronze prize-winner of the European championship on hand-to-hand fight of 2014
the bronze prize-winner of a World Cup on MMA (mixed martial arts) 2013
numerous Champion and winner of the Cup of Republic of Belarus

4) The Republic of Uzbekistan – Gulyamov Mukhammadmironshokh Kurbanovich
Master of Sports in hand-to-hand fight,
prize-winner Chempionship of Asia,
Champion of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5) Bulgaria – Pyotr Tomchev
The third place in the World Cup in hand-to-hand fight of 2015
The champion of Bulgaria on boxing of 2015
The third place in the World Cup in hand-to-hand fight of 2013

6) Iran – Foad Hashemi
The champion of Iran on wushu of 2012 (champion of championship Wushu in Iran 2012)
The champion of Iran across Vovinam of 2013 (champion of championship Vovinam in Iran 2013)
Winner of The Champion Is Chempionov tournament of 2013 (martial arts tournament ‘Champion of Champions’ 2013)
participant of The Best of the Best Championship on kickboxing of 2014 (Best of the Best championship kickboxing 2014)
The champion of Iran on sambo of 2012 (champion of championship Sambo in Iran 2012)
The champion of Iran on Thai boxing of 2012 (champion of championship Thai boxing in Iran 2012)
The champion of Iran on the Shoot boxing of 2011 (champion of championship Shoot boxing in Iran 2011)
Champion of the Top Kik-boxing tournament Iran 2012 (champion of championship Top kick boxing in Iran 2012)

7) The republic South Ossetia – Dzagoyev Vladislav Vadimovich 11/17/1994
KMS free-style wrestling,
2 place the International Army hand-to-hand fight tournament – Novosibirsk 2012, – the Champion of the Republic on hand-to-hand fight

8) The Republic of Moldova – Ion Kutselaba 12/14/1993
The champion of Moldova on fighting sambo
The champion of Europe on fighting sambo
The champion of Moldova on hand-to-hand fight

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