The First US-Russia National Team Tournament in Hand-to-Hand Fighting Sport (25 sepetmber 2008): 85 kg

01.04.2013 1770 155 No Comments


Khunarikov Abdula (weight 85 kg) Champion of Russia 2007, Moscow Champion 2007 / Brandon Tyler Huffman (weight 84 kg) 2 wins in competitions without rules.

The first US-Russia tournament organized and run by HSIF on 25 September, 2008 in Moscow was a spectacular show. 8 fights in different weight brackets. Americans demonstrated their serious interest in the Sport which originated in Russia. They brought it back to its home grounds to test their achievements in competition with their Russian counterparts. RUKOPASHNY attracts Americans by versatility of combat elements and effectiveness of the skill.

Looking back, the tournament was a good step forward in moving Rukopashny Boi Sport internationally. A constructive and friendly atmosphere of the bilateral contest in skill and proficiency paved the way to future contacts and cooperation in developing Hand-to-Hand Fighting Sport in both countries.

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